Paper Plain Industrial Designers was founded in 2018 by Tristan Frencken; it started out as an earlier enterprise which he began in 2002. Tristan Frencken (1977) graduated cum laude from the Design Academy in Eindhoven in 2004. Shortly afterwards, he won the René Smeets Foundation’s Melkweg Prize and the Eindhovens Dagblad Public Award. In 2008, he was nominated for the Dutch Design Award and four years later he was nominated for the Dutch Material Award.


Paper Plain ID is located in the heart of Den Bosch, where they work with a team of four enthusiastic co-workers, each of whom brings a different set of talents to the table.


The added value of good design is increasingly receiving recognition. They also create, produce and bring their own designs to the market. PPID is often asked by clients to come up with solutions to design issues; both for businesses, within the framework of the new method of working, and also for private individuals. PPID designs for a varied range of clients and endeavours to maintain an all-encompassing portfolio.





PP interiors
Handelskade 16
5211 TH ‘s-Hertogenbosch
The Netherlands


Email: info@paperplaindesigners.com
Phone: +31 73 613 60 06